A strong storm takes by surprise Metaltex’s facilities in Mexico

2022-07-11T14:54:53+02:00May 2020|Categories: 2020, Mexico, Posts|Tags: , , |

Last Friday, May 8, strong winds that reached up to 220 km/h in the northwestern area of the state of Nuevo León wreaked havoc in several municipalities, including Apodaca, the town hall of our subsidiary Metaltex in Mexico. In addition, several people witnessed...

Typhoon Utor in Yangjiang

2022-08-23T10:41:24+02:00August 2013|Categories: 2013, China, Posts|Tags: , , |

On August 14th, a terrible typhoon hits the area Yiangjiang, an industrial city located 300 km West from Hong Kong. At a speed of 150 km/h the typhoon devastates everything in its path. As a consequence the new Metaltex logistics center suffers considerable material damages. 800 Sq m. out of 5000 of roof were destroyed. Fortunately no problem for the staff who had been alerted beforehand. Immediate action were taken for the safety. The reconstruction...

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