A strong storm takes by surprise Metaltex’s facilities in Mexico

2022-07-11T14:54:53+02:00May 2020|Categories: 2020, Mexico, Posts|Tags: , , |

Last Friday, May 8, strong winds that reached up to 220 km/h in the northwestern area of the state of Nuevo León wreaked havoc in several municipalities, including Apodaca, the town hall of our subsidiary Metaltex in Mexico. In addition, several people witnessed...

Ivo Kahánek brings the “Heart of Europe” to Mexico

2022-07-11T16:49:29+02:00November 2019|Categories: 2019, Mexico, Posts|Tags: , , |

The recital entitled in Spanish “Desde el Corazón de Europa” (From the Heart of Europe) organized by the Council for Culture and Arts of Nuevo León (CONARTE) thanks to the sponsoring of the METALTEX MEXICO and the support of the Czech Embassy brings the pianist Ivo Kahánek (1979) for the first time to Mexico. On October 22, the...

Metaltex Mexico: over 100,000 ‘likes’ on Facebook!

2022-07-18T14:27:50+02:00August 2016|Categories: 2016, Mexico, Posts|Tags: , |

For several years, the Mexican subsidiary has been one of the fastest growing branches of the Metaltex Group. The secret of this success is a balance between prudent management, focused assortment, trade policy and the ability to be dynamic. These tools have been used in recent times through a direct approach to the final consumer, via the use of social networks...

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