Our Belgian branch returns to its seat

2023-08-31T15:32:46+02:00August 2023|Categories: 2023, Belgium, Posts|Tags: , , |

Two years ago, on 14 July 2021, a devastating flood hit the eastern center of Belgium, the Hoëgne River being pushed beyond its limits, overflowing its banks and causing widespread flooding that devastated large areas of Wallonia. Our Belgian branch, which is located a few meters from the river, was submerged by more than 2 meters of water...

The recent floods in Europe hit our Belgian branch

2022-07-11T11:23:25+02:00July 2021|Categories: 2021, Belgium, Posts|Tags: , , , |

Wednesday 14 July 2021 is a date that marks a difficult moment in Metaltex’s long history. Metaltex Belux was severely involved in the disaster that struck parts of West Germany, Belgium and Holland. Up to 2 meters of water and mud entered the warehouse of our Belgian company. Some staff members had to take refuge...

Marketing Meeting 2018

2022-07-13T16:35:06+02:00May 2018|Categories: 2018, Belgium, Posts|Tags: , |

Eleven years later, the annual Metaltex Marketing Meeting returns to Belgium. This time, however, not in the European capital of Brussels but in Spa, a city famous for having given its name to the wellness centres spreaded all over the world. This because already since the 16th century the city was frequented because of its natural water sources who were believed to have healing properties. For two consecutive...

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