Over time we have received several questions from our customers about our products. To help more people easily solve their doubts, we publish the most frequently asked questions on this page.
General questions
Yes, all of our products have the minimum guarantee required by law. Moroever, some of our storage & organization products are guaranteed up to 6 years. For more specific information about this topic please read our Warranty Terms
Yes, Metaltex products are regularly tested during production and shipment, so that we can ensure our products to be safe
Yes, certainly all of our kitchen gloves are reliable and comply with the Personal Protective Equipment Directive. You can find their Declaration of Conformity under Consumer Info.
If you want to be sure, check the product packaging, where you’ll find a specific dishwasher symbol for the items that are 100% suitable for dishwasher.
You’ll find a crossed symbol on items to be washed only by hand.
If there is no specific information, the product could be dishwasher safe, but we recommend hand washing so that the product can last over time.
Products that shouldn’t be washed in the dishwasher are the wooden ones, the EPOXY coated and the nonstick.
Wood is a natural material that tends to absorb moisture and liquids, so all wooden utensils and tools should only be hand washed.