About Sara

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So far Sara has created 750 blog entries.


2023-06-15T17:10:38+02:00October 1991|Categories: History|

In October of 1991 the Company’s founder, Commendatore Egidio Morandi, sadly passed away. His sons Sergio and Ivano continue the work he begun 46 years earlier.



2023-06-15T17:16:17+02:00January 1986|Categories: History|

During the following years Metaltex Group set up new subsidiaries. In 1986 in The Netherlands, where it distributes its products under the brand Tomado. Tomado is a famous brand name, known by Benelux consumers as a guarantee of quality.



2023-06-15T17:18:14+02:00January 1983|Categories: History|

In 1983 the Company undertakes a corporate re-styling, culminating in the creation of a new logo, now so familiar throughout the world.

2023-06-15T17:22:06+02:00January 1978|Categories: History|

25 years of wire specialization bring production to more than 80.000 wire articles per day (strainers, whisks, bottle racks, space-savers, bathroom articles, etc.). FLORENZ is one of the best sellers lines of storage and organization (born in the ‘70s), that made Metaltex famous.


2023-06-15T17:25:27+02:00January 1970|Categories: History|

Metaltex take the strategic decision to cease sub-contract manufacturing in order to concentrate production capacity on its own household range. This strategy proves successful as the Company quickly expands: new subsidiaries are formed in France (1974) ….


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